People hate their job but yet they stay or keep applying for jobs they hate. People are unhappy in their relationships but they hold on for dear life. People are stressed out about money, but yet they continue to live above their means. People are unhappy with their body, but they continue to eat junk and not exercise.

Most people don’t realize that all they have to do is make a choice. The right choices that will align with the life they truly want to live. It sounds so simple, right? That’s because it is; but first one has to be honest with themselves. If you hate your job, you hate your job, or any other area of your life. Just be honest.

There is so much life to live. I can feel it. I have always felt it, even in the darkest times of my life.
I hope you can too. That is why I am telling you to not keep yourself trapped in experiences that you don’t want to experience anymore. Spread your wings, so you can fly. Open your mind so you can grow.


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